World Creativity and Innovation Day; Ways to Overcome a Creative Block

On the 21st of April, it was World Creativity and Innovation Day! This is a great opportunity to celebrate our creative passions. At SMASH we’re here to get your ideas off the ground, but what happens when you’re feeling creatively blocked? We get it, we’ve all been there and this can be frustrating and disheartening. So we’ve put together some ideas to chip away at that creative block. Let’s get out of that rut, shall we? 


Grab your coloured pens and paper and get brainstorming ideas. We love a spider diagram, or why not try a flow chart? Whatever it is just start writing ideas down. Even if it’s just one word that you branch out on, this should get your creative juices flowing.  

Looking for something a little more on the tech side? We’ve been loving the Miro online brainstorming tool. With canvases, sticky notes, spider diagrams and more, you can even work on this collaboratively. Get other people involved in your brainstorming to see if you can bounce off their ideas!  

Get talking

On that note, another great way to beat a creative block is to talk it out. Opening yourself up to other people’s creativity may just get your own ideas flowing. Chat to people in your field, other creatives or even your friends - amazing ideas can come from anywhere. 

Why not check out if your local city has a creative meet up? This is a great opportunity to meet like-minded creative people and chat through your ideas. Make sure to sign up to our newsletter to find out about our events and where we will be heading. It would be great to see you there!  

The setting 

A change of scenery may be all you need to release your creativity. Wander down to your local coffee shop, visit a park or take yourself to a bar. The key is to leave your desk and find inspiration elsewhere. Just taking a step outside will refresh your brain and hopefully, amazing ideas will follow. 

Branch out

When you’re feeling stuck, you may be tempted to just stick with what you know. But, a great way to beat creative block is to try something new. This could be a different genre, media, or even art form. The key is to get out of your comfort zone and see if your ideas blossom from somewhere else. This will give you a new approach to your usual style releasing new creative ideas that you may not have previously explored. 

Dive into the specifics 

On the other end of the spectrum, you could try narrowing down your field of thought. Try to develop a singular character, scene, setting or even a prop. Start small and watch your ideas grow from there. This singular focus will help to block out the noise and make the project feel less overwhelming.  

Just begin... 

Now it’s over to you. However you tackle your creative block, the key is to just begin. Why not head over to the SMASH pitch builder and start developing your ideas there?

Don’t worry, if your idea isn’t fully fleshed out yet you don’t need to complete every section. The sections of your presentation deck that remain unfilled, will not appear as empty boxes in your final version.  

We turn new talent into market-savvy content creators and make it easier for them to connect with decision-makers. Ready to make your vision a reality? Start making your pitch today.  




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