Got a script for a female-driven low-budget thriller?

We have partnered with the prestigious storyteller, photographer & director Rankin to help them find a female-driven low-budget thriller.

They have the finance and director in place and are looking for a female-driven (late 20s to early 30s), low-budget (max £500K), contemporary thriller.

We want a story that is surprising, taboo-breaking, and unique.

Thematic references to consider are Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon and David Fincher's Gone Girl.

If you submit to this call we will be sharing your ideas with the company via the SMASH platform which protects your IP and idea.

To submit please create your pitch on SMASH and submit the snapshot to with the subject line Rankin.

To create your pitch on SMASH please sign in or click on Create your FREE Pitch on the website or here.

To check Rankin’s work please click here.


Got an IDEA suitable for KIDS?